My favorite class ever!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Nice Collections of 2010

Ohhh Valentino...
I always love your collection

This time Valentino Spring 2010 collection is my favorite collection
The fabric color & the structured dress....I'm totally in love with it

But for the Pre Fall 2010 also lovely!

Pre fall 2010 - Valentino

Matthew Williamson
also my favorite collection in 2010
Look at the color...
It's chic & playful clothes

pre fall 2010

Resort 2010

New Sewing Machine

Yayyyy I get it!!
I can sew everyday hahahha (I wish)

I made a pouch for My new friend Sarah (It's for her bible)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dress Up!

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I Love friday, I love dress up time....

photographed by Adiek Sari

I'm wearing dyed Batik (by unknown) & strappy shoes from Banana Republic

photographed by Adiek Sari (and she directed me to made that pose)

My little black dress from xsml

I'm wearing cotton on skirt & zara t-shirt

I love hangin out with them
They're my inspiration!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lazy Holiday

Fiuh finally today is holidayyyyy!!
I need fresh air, I need sleep & I need me-time!

Thank God today I'll meet my family. My best friend will treat us a bounty hunter movie. But before that, I spend my time with my family at home.
My mom made pizza.
I'm amazed with her. She always passionately learn everything.
Especially cooking.
She learn how to made this pizza from Periplus Mini Cookbooks
She Made it!!
Thanks Mom...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sweetest Moment

Celine Dion song... "The Power of The Dream" always makes me remember my new family.
Thank God I have a new family.
I will always remember every moment with them.
We already through sad & happy moments together....
Thank you.....

My super fun Boss
my lovely sisters

Look at this lady. She's very cute wearing that lacy floral top

Pretty lady next to me.
Nice white dress & jacket

Hooooo....I love this pict so muchhh
The spirit of camera face hahahaha....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A day with my Kimono

Nice lady in red

Partner in Crime

Friday nite with my best friends @ Canteen

I get the IT bag from my best friends.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday with my fashionable family

I got it! yayyyy
present from my family

I'm wearing floral dress by unknown & pedder red shoes
NikNak wearing paper doll dress & pedder red shoes (sepatu petir)

Look at them! They're fashionistas
I love Hendry's red shoes and his jeans

They're my family.
"Where u can find all the excitements in life"
by Nadya

Lovely present from Chia...

I just get home after body combat class. Exhausted...but feel energetic now
Then I start to watch TV...
I love travel living. And today's show is 1000 places you have to see before you die...
Waw... I have the book...interesting. Make my mind flying to beautiful places haha..

I was a bit thirsty. Then I went to kitchen to grab my glass.. Whoa!!! what is that?
I found a paper bag. I grab it!
Oh! This is from Chia, my talented friend.

Thanks Chia.... Love it love it love it
She made me a white top & a cute bag!
I also get cute owl brooch & a dress pattern.

Thanks Chia....I will never thank you enough. =)

white top from pattern magic book
amazing! Yay I have one
Thanks Chia

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fabric Hunting to Cipadu

Early morning on Saturday
I already planned fabric hunting cipadu with Lia, Chia &Anggi.
Then I went to Lia apartment first.
Oh My God!
Her work room was shocking me.....Fabric Heaven
If I have that room, I think I will spend almost 24 hours every weekend hahahah...

Wow...this place is amazing (although it was very HOTTTTTT)
We can find lots of fabric stores with a very very good price yayyyy!!
We don't know what we are going to sew but we just buy fabrics.
I bought spotlight fabrics with lots of thoughts in mind.
Glad Chia, Lia & Anggi accompanied me =)


Relaxing with Chia, Lia & Anggi after fabring hunting...

These are from Cipadu

Thank you Lia for the fabric & wooden tool for thread or lace =)